
A MathWikiből
(Változatok közti eltérés)
47. sor: 47. sor:
* [[Informatics3-2024/Homework3|Homework 3]] (Deadline: March 25. 23:59)
* [[Informatics3-2024/Homework3|Homework 3]] (Deadline: March 25. 23:59)
== Useful links ==
* Memory visualization (C/C++ and python): [ pythontutor]

A lap 2024. március 14., 10:49-kori változata


General information

  • Teacher
    • Kristóf Kovács: kkovacs
  • Requirements
    • 2 written exams
      • April 12, May 24
      • each worth 50 points
      • individually need 40% to pass
      • grade boundaries: 40,55,70,85
    • weekly homework
      • 2 points each
      • 40% required to pass (8 points)
      • points above the requirement are added to the points of the written exam (12 points max)
    • "pop quizzes"
      • at the beginning of the practicals starting from the 2nd week
      • can also be done on the next lecture (but only if you missed the practical)
      • 1 point each
      • 40% required to pass (4 points)
      • points above the requirement are added to the points of the written exam (6 points max)


  1. Introduction
  2. Basics of C
  3. Dynamic memory handling



Send an email with the solutions as attachments (.c, .cpp or if you have .h and .hpp files) to the following email address:

You shouldn't attach the compiled programs. If you feel like you're sending a lot of files (5+) you can put them in a zip, but you don't need to.

Useful links