
A MathWikiből
A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Gaebor (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2018. május 14., 23:12-kor történt szerkesztése után volt.
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numpy Homework


Implement the following python functions. The name of the exercise should be the name of the function. You will need import numpy! On your own computer I recommend Anaconda because it is installed with numpy by default. Mind that you need the 2.7 version. Or you can use the leibniz.

integral (2p)

The function should have 3 parameters, two real numbers and one integer:

  a: the left-hand-side of the interval
  b: the right-hand-side of the interval
  n: the number of equally spaced points in the partition, including a and b

a < b and n > 1.

The output should be a real number: the integral of the function sin(x) / x on the interval [a,b] calculated with the trapezoidal rule.

derivative (3p)

The function should have 3 parameters, two real numbers and one integer:

  a: the left-hand-side of the interval
  b: the right-hand-side of the interval
  n: the number of uniformly distributed points in the interval

a < b and n > 1.

  • The output should be a numpy vector of length n-1 containing the numerical derivative of the function sin(x) / x on the given interval using the random partition.
  • The partition should contain n-2 uniformly distributed point in [a,b] plus x0 = a,xn − 1 = b.
    • You can make this partition by making n-2 random points, sort them then add a to the front and b to the end.
    • you might want to use: numpy.sort and numpy.random.rand

Remember the (forward) finite difference:

{\Delta f}_i = \frac{f(x_{i+1})-f(x_i)}{x_{i+1}-x_i}


Send the exercises as a python code from your math email account to

You should attach one python file containing the definition of the required functions without any test code or print command.

The file should be named:

  EN1_HF8_<user account>.py

the subject of the letter should be the same (without the extension). For me example:


20th of May, 29:59