
A MathWikiből
A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Imran (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2021. április 14., 10:19-kor történt szerkesztése után volt.





Write an iterable class like range, but without returning a whole list, but storing only the actual element.

 class Range:
     def __init__( ... ):
     def __iter__( ... ):
     def __next__( ... ):
  • Its constructor should have one parameter: a number or a string. The iteration should go up that number, from 0 with 1 steps.
  • If the number is not positive, then the iteration should take 0 steps.
  • If you get a string then try to convert it to a number. It it cannot be converted, then raise a ValueError exception.
    • If it is a valid integer, then calculate with that.
  • If you get the string "inf" then make the iteration go endless (infinite loop)!


Write a class called Shape.

  • Let it have two members: x and y, the coordinates of the shape on the plane (center of mass).
  • Define a move method, with one parameter v: a list of length 2, a vector to translate the shape with. After this method the coordinates should be changed.

Define the following classes as children of Shape:

  • Ellipse with additional parameters (except the (x, y) coordinates): a and b the x and y axes radii
  • Rectangle with additional parameters (except the (x, y) coordinates) a and b the length of the sides

Write an area method for both, which calculates the area!

Define an equation method for printing the equation of the Ellipse! Something like:

   ((x-1)/2)^2 + ((y-2)/3)^2 = 1


Write a function, called Palindrome, with one parameter which is a string. The function should check whether the string is a palindrome or not. The function should return "True" if the string is a palindrome, otherwise It returns "False".

Mersenne Prime

Write a function, called Mersenne, with one parameter which is an integer. The function should check whether the number is a Mersenne Prime or not. The function should return "True" if the number is a Mersenne prime number, otherwise It returns "False".


Use variadic function strategy to write a function average which gives the average of all numbers from the parameters. For example:

 average(2, 3, 4) --> 3
 average(2, 3, 4, 5, 6) --> 4
 average(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...)

Union Sets

Use variadic function strategy to write a function which gives the union of any number of sets. For example:

 union({1, 2, 3 }, {2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5}) --> {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Hint: use .update() method to add a new element to a set.