
A MathWikiből
(Változatok közti eltérés)
(Új oldal, tartalma: „== Using Sage == === Sage server === If your browser finds the certificate untrustworthy, accept it manually! = More matrices = == Remin…”)
74. sor: 74. sor:
= Listaértelmezések =
= List comprehension =
== Emlékeztetõ ==
== Reminder ==
[kifejezés for elem in bejárható_objektum]
[expression for element in iterable_thing]
Egy olyan listát hoz létre melyben a '''kifejezés''' szerepel a '''bejárható_objektum''' minden elemére. Bejárható objektum például egy lista, az is amit a '''range''' függvény hoz létre.
This creates a list which contains the '''expression ''' for every element of '''iterable_thing'''. An iterable thing is a list for example, like a list created with the '''range''' function.
[kifejezés if feltétel else kifejezés_alt for elem in bejárható_objektum]
[expression if condition for element in iterable_thing]
Mint az elõzõ, de csak azok az elemek lesznek benne melyekre teljesül a '''feltétel'''.
Similar to the previous one, except only the elements for which the '''condition''' holds will be included.
[kifejezés if feltétel1 else kifejezés_alt for elem1 in bejárható_objektum1
[expression if condition1 else expression_alt for element in iterable_thing1
           for elem2 in bejárható_objektum2
           for element2 in iterable_thing2
           for elemN in bejárható_objektumN]
           for elementN in iterable_thingN]
Több feltétel és ciklus is írható akár.
We can write multiple fors.
[n^2 for n in range(1, 5)]  # [1, 4, 9, 16]
[n^2 for n in range(1, 5)]  # [1, 4, 9, 16]
99. sor: 100. sor:
== Feladatok ==
== Tasks ==
=== Mit csinál? ===
=== What do these do? ===
Futtassuk le az alábbi példákat és értelmezzük õket mi is történik bennük és hogyan érjük ezt el.
Execute the following, and then study how they work.
129. sor: 130. sor:
sum([n for n in range(1, 10) if is_prime(n)])
sum([n for n in range(1, 10) if is_prime(n)])
Az utolsóhoz egy kis spoiler, ha nem menne: [ spoiler]
A little spoiler for the following: [ spoiler]
[n for n in range(1, 100) if n == sum([m for m in range(1, n) if n % m == 0])]
[n for n in range(1, 100) if n == sum([m for m in range(1, n) if n % m == 0])]
=== Oldjuk meg ===
=== Solve the following ===
# Find the square numbers x below 1000, where x + 1 is a prime. For example 4. (Find all of these numbers.)
# Keressük meg az összes olyan 1000 alatti négyzetszámot, melynél eggyel nagyobb szám prím. Pl a 4 ilyen.
# Find those (x, y) pairs of numbers, where both are prime and their integer division (//) is prime as well. For example (11, 2).
# Keressük meg az összes olyan 100 alatti számpárt, melyekre igaz, hogy mindkettő prím és az egészosztással vett eredményük is prím. Pl (11, 2) ilyen.
# Find the 3 digit numbers with the form xyz, where xyz (= 100 * x + 10 * y + z) = x^3 + y^3 + z^3. For example 1, 5, 3, because 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 == 153.
# Keressük meg az összes egy jegyű számhármast, mely egymás után írva megegyezik a köbeik összegével. Ilyen például az 1, 5, 3, mert 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 == 153
# Find the numbers below 10000, which can be written as the sum of 2 cube numbers in two different ways.
# Keressük meg az összes olyan 1000 alatti számot, melynek négyzete megegyezik az nálánál kisebb osztói köbeinek az összegével. (Egy kis csavar a [ tökéletes számokon])
# Keressük meg az összes olyan 10000 alatti számot, mely legalább kétféleképpen írható fel 2 darab szám köbének összegeként.

A lap 2017. november 20., 06:40-kori változata


Using Sage

Sage server

If your browser finds the certificate untrustworthy, accept it manually!

More matrices

Reminder and new stuff

In sage we can define a matrix as follows:

m = matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])

This results in the matrix:

1 0
0 1

Blockmatrices, all one matrices, diagonal matrices can be created easily, like in octave:

A = diagonal_matrix([1, 5])
B = ones_matrix(2, 2)
block_matrix([[A, -1*A], [A^(-1), B]])

This results in the matrix:

 1   0| -1   0
 0   5|  0  -5
 1   0|  1   1
 0 1/5|  1   1

The det method calculates the determinant of the matrix:




Calculate the determinant of the following blockmatrix:


where I is the 3x3 identity matrix and O is the 3x3 all 0 matrix, X is the following:

 0 -1 -1
-1  0 -1
-1 -1  0


Solve the following system of equations with the form Ax = b, where A and b are:

 1 -1  0  |  1
 3  1 -1  |  1
-2  0  1  |  2

Use the solve_right method from the lecture!

Once you have the solution, make the matrix into a matrix over the ring GF(3) (with the change_ring method), solve it with this new matrix.

Linear independence

Find out for which values of x would the rows (or columns) of the following matrix be dependent / independent. (Use the solve method.)

x  0  1
0  2  x
1  x -1

List comprehension


[expression for element in iterable_thing]

This creates a list which contains the expression for every element of iterable_thing. An iterable thing is a list for example, like a list created with the range function.

[expression if condition for element in iterable_thing]

Similar to the previous one, except only the elements for which the condition holds will be included.

[expression if condition1 else expression_alt for element in iterable_thing1
           for element2 in iterable_thing2
           for elementN in iterable_thingN]

We can write multiple fors.


[n^2 for n in range(1, 5)]  # [1, 4, 9, 16]
[n for n in [-1, 2, -3, 4] if n > 0]  # [2, 4]


What do these do?

Execute the following, and then study how they work.

[n for n in range(1, 10)]
[(n, m) for n in range(1, 10) for m in range(1, 5)]
[n for n in range(1, 10) if is_prime(n)]
[n for n in range(1, 100) if n % 5 == 0 and n % 7 == 1]
[(n, m) for n in range(1, 5) for m in range(n, 5)]
[(m, n) for n in range(1, 10) for m in range(n, 10) if m % n == 0]
sorted([(m, n) for n in range(1, 10) for m in range(n, 10) if m % n == 0])
sum([n for n in range(1, 10) if is_prime(n)])

A little spoiler for the following: spoiler

[n for n in range(1, 100) if n == sum([m for m in range(1, n) if n % m == 0])]

Solve the following

  1. Find the square numbers x below 1000, where x + 1 is a prime. For example 4. (Find all of these numbers.)
  2. Find those (x, y) pairs of numbers, where both are prime and their integer division (//) is prime as well. For example (11, 2).
  3. Find the 3 digit numbers with the form xyz, where xyz (= 100 * x + 10 * y + z) = x^3 + y^3 + z^3. For example 1, 5, 3, because 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 == 153.
  4. Find the numbers below 10000, which can be written as the sum of 2 cube numbers in two different ways.
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