
A MathWikiből
(Változatok közti eltérés)
(Új oldal, tartalma: „== Regular expressions == Regular expressions are used to find complex paterns in text, or if we want to substitude these patterns for something else. We will use this …”)
27. sor: 27. sor:
| '''{m,n}''' || At least ''m'', at most ''n'' number of something, both of them are optional || ''':D{4,10}''' does not match ':DDDDDDDDDDDDDD'
| '''{m,n}''' || At least ''m'', at most ''n'' number of something, both of them are optional || ''':D{4,10}''' does not match ':DDDDDDDDDDDDDD'
=== Választás ===
=== Choice ===
* Bármilyen magánhangzóra illeszkedik a '''a|e|i|o|u''' kifejezés. Próbáljuk ki a '''GetValue|Get|Set|SetValue''' kifejezést. A ''SetValue'' szövegnél mire illeszkedik?
* The pattern '''a|e|i|o|u''' matches any vowel. Try the '''GetValue|Get|Set|SetValue''' expression. What do we get for the text ''SetValue''?
=== Csoportosítás ===
=== Grouping ===
Lehetőségünk van csoportokat kijelölni a kifejezésen belül. Az alábbi példa olyan szövegre illeszkedik, amelyben kétszer ismétlődik bármi.
We can specify groups within the expression. The following example matches any string that repeats once:
Tudunk keresni html tageket is
We can match for HTML tags:
Több csoportot is tudunk kezelni, a nyitó zárójelek sorrendje határozza meg a csoport sorszámát. Cseréljük le az email cím országkódját .hu-ra!
We can specify multiple groups, the sequence of the opening parenthesis specifies the number. Replace the ending if email addresses to .hu!
== Feladatok ==
== Tasks ==
* formátumú dátumok
* date formats:
* Magyar mobilszámok
* Mobile numbers starting with +36 20, +36 30, +36 70
* Link keresése html oldalon
* Link tags (<a>anything here</a>)
* Webcímek
* Webpage adresses
* Keressük ki a hét képét a oldalon!
* Find the BME logo with patterns on:
* Néggyel osztható 2-jegyű szám
* 2 digit numbers divisible by 4
* Szökőév
* leap years
=== Nehezebb feladatok ===
=== Advanced tasks ===
Nagy betűkkel írt római számok
* Roman numerals written with capital latters
Millenium: <code>M{0,4}</code>, century: <code>CM|CD|D?C{0,3}</code>, decade: <code>XC|XL|L?X{0,3}</code>, year: <code>IX|IV|V?I{0,3}</code>.
Évezred: <code>M{0,4}</code>, évszázad: <code>CM|CD|D?C{0,3}</code>, évtized: <code>XC|XL|L?X{0,3}</code>, év: <code>IX|IV|V?I{0,3}</code>. Akkor mégis mi a hiba az alábbi megoldással?
* Positive integers, really long numbers might contain spaces when grouped by 3 digits (1 000, 435 000 000).
* Decimal color code in HTML (3 or 6 hexa number)
Hogy illeszkedik az üres sztringre is! Megoldás
Pozitív egészek, esetleg a sokjegyű számok hármasával csoportosítva vannak és a csoportok szóközzel elválasztva
[1-9](\d{0,2}( \d{3})+|\d*)
Ugyanez szóhatárok közt:
\b[1-9](\d{0,2}( \d{3})+|\d*)\b
HTML-kódban hexadecimális színkód (3 vagy 6 hexa szám)

A lap jelenlegi, 2017. szeptember 18., 07:37-kori változata


Regular expressions

Regular expressions are used to find complex paterns in text, or if we want to substitude these patterns for something else. We will use this site

  • Special characters: These don't symbolize themselves, to find them in text we have to escape them with \ for example: \$, \^ etc.
. ^ $ * + ? { } [ ] \ | ( )

Character classes

For the time being we only use one character patterns.

  • \d: arbitrary number, \D: arbitrary character that is not a number.
  • \w: arbitrary alphanumeric character, character, number, or underline (_), \W: arbitrary non-alphanumeric character.
  • \s: whitespace, which is tab, end of line, space, \S arbitrary non-whitespace character.
  • We can create custom character classes: [xyz], or we can make exclusions, e.g. [^xyz]. The former matches x, y or z, the latter matches any character that is not x, y or z. Using a dash we can specify intervals, e.g. [a-z] this matches all lower case characters, but for example [A-Za-z0-9] maches all uppercase, lowercase and numeric characters.
  • ^: beginning of line, $, end of line.
  • A . matches any character.


Notation Recurrance number Example
* 0,1, or however many \d* matches '123', and it even matches the empty string, as well
+ at least 1 \d+ matches any number of numeric characters
? 0 or 1 the?an matches 'then' and 'than' as well
{m,n} At least m, at most n number of something, both of them are optional :D{4,10} does not match ':DDDDDDDDDDDDDD'


  • The pattern a|e|i|o|u matches any vowel. Try the GetValue|Get|Set|SetValue expression. What do we get for the text SetValue?


We can specify groups within the expression. The following example matches any string that repeats once:


We can match for HTML tags:


We can specify multiple groups, the sequence of the opening parenthesis specifies the number. Replace the ending if email addresses to .hu!



  • date formats:
  • Mobile numbers starting with +36 20, +36 30, +36 70
  • Link tags (<a>anything here</a>)
  • Webpage adresses
  • Find the BME logo with patterns on:
  • 2 digit numbers divisible by 4
  • leap years

Advanced tasks

  • Roman numerals written with capital latters

Millenium: M{0,4}, century: CM|CD|D?C{0,3}, decade: XC|XL|L?X{0,3}, year: IX|IV|V?I{0,3}.

  • Positive integers, really long numbers might contain spaces when grouped by 3 digits (1 000, 435 000 000).
  • Decimal color code in HTML (3 or 6 hexa number)
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