
A MathWikiből
(Változatok közti eltérés)
(Új oldal, tartalma: „== Newcommand == * With the '''\newcommand''' command we can define new commands. These should be placed in the preamble (before '''\begin{document}''').. * We can thi…”)
34. sor: 34. sor:
* We can specify the position of the arguments by '''#1''', '''#2'''... Here the first parameter is the integrand, the second is the variable.
* We can specify the position of the arguments by '''#1''', '''#2'''... Here the first parameter is the integrand, the second is the variable.
* Ha már létezik olyan nevet akarunk adni a parancsunknak, ami már létezik, akkor hibaüzenetet fogunk kapni, például az elõzõ esetben, ha '''int'''-nek neveztem volna.
* If the command that we want to define already exists we will get an error. For example if we tried to name the previous command '''int''' instead of '''myint'''.
* Ekkor is felül lehet definiálni a parancsot a '''\renewcommand''' paranccsal, bár ez az esetek többségében nem ajánlott.
* If we want to forcefully redefine a command, we can use the \renewcommand that has the same syntax, but it allows to redefine existing commands.
=== Feladatok ===
=== Tasks ===
Minta latex dokumentum keret:
Sample latex document frame:
49. sor: 49. sor:
\usepackage{tikz} % ez a rajzoló csomag, amit az óra második felében fogunk használni.
%Rosszul elválasztott szavak elválasztását tudjuk javítani
64. sor: 59. sor:
==== Halmazok ====
==== Halmazok ====
Definiáljuk a racionális, egész és természetes számok halmazát a példában látott módon. Majd ezeket próbáljuk is ki.
Define the set of racional and natural numbers. Try it on a simple formula.
==== Vektor ====
==== Vector ====
Definiáljunk parancsot, melynek egy argumentuma van. A parancs tegyen egy jobbra nyilat az argumentum fölé az '''\overrightarrow{ }'''-val. Ezzel vektorokat tudunk majd kényelmesen írni. Nevezzük például '''vec'''-nek, majd miután lefordítottuk és rájöttünk, hogy ez már foglalt nevezzük át '''myvect'''-re. Majd írjuk le egy tetszõleges képletet vektorokkal.
Define a command that has one argument. All it should do is to put a right arrow over the given argument ('''\overrightarrow{something}'''). This makes it a bit easier to write vectors in formulas. Name it '''vec''' at first, and after we get an error (because the '''\vec''' command already exists), name it '''myvec'''. Try it with an arbitrary formula.
Igazából annyira nem is rövidítette le a kódunkat ez az új parancs, hisz csak overrightarrow helyett myvect-et kell írni, ami csak 8 karakterrel kevesebb. Mégis hasznos, gondoljunk bele, ha megírtunk egy több oldalas dokumentumot, tele vektorokkal és hirtelen meggondoltuk magunkat és inkább aláhúzással szeretnénk jelölni a vektorokat. Ha a myvect-et használtuk a vektorokhoz, akkor elég csak a newcommand-ban megváltoztatni a jelölést, aláhúzás esetén '''\underline{ }'''-ra. Próbáljuk is ezt ki.
In truth this did not shorten our code all that much, since myvect is only 8 letters less. But still this is very useful when we write longer articles. Just think about a situation where we write a 20 page article using '''\overrightarrow''' to denote vectors, but then we change our mind and want to use '''\underline''' instead. Now we can use the replace all functionality (present in most text editors), but what if we used '''\overrightarrow''' somewhere else that's not a vector? It's all a mess now. Now imagine the same situation if we defined a new command for our vectors and used it throughout the document. All we have to change in this case is the definition of our vector command. This is the true value of using our own commands.

A lap 2017. október 30., 07:49-kori változata



  • With the \newcommand command we can define new commands. These should be placed in the preamble (before \begin{document})..
  • We can think of it as an abbreviation.
  • For example, if we write the set of real numbers a lot of times, we can do the following:
x^2 \geq 0 \quad \forall x\in\R
  • With this newcommand if we write \R it gets substituted with \mathbb{R}.
  • The first parameter of newcommand is the name of the command (given by us), the second is the existing command (can be a set of commands) we wish to shorten.
  • We could do the same for the set of integers, etc.


  • We can define complex commands, for example if we would like to make a command for a nice integral:
\newcommand{\myint}[2]{\int #1 \,\mathrm{d}#2}
\myint{x^2 \sin^2 x}{x} + \myint{x^2 \cos^2 x}{x} = \myint{x^2}{x}
  • Here the optional parameter [2] tells latex that the command has two arguments (inputs).
  • We can specify the position of the arguments by #1, #2... Here the first parameter is the integrand, the second is the variable.
  • If the command that we want to define already exists we will get an error. For example if we tried to name the previous command int instead of myint.
  • If we want to forcefully redefine a command, we can use the \renewcommand that has the same syntax, but it allows to redefine existing commands.


Sample latex document frame:



Define the set of racional and natural numbers. Try it on a simple formula.


Define a command that has one argument. All it should do is to put a right arrow over the given argument (\overrightarrow{something}). This makes it a bit easier to write vectors in formulas. Name it vec at first, and after we get an error (because the \vec command already exists), name it myvec. Try it with an arbitrary formula.

In truth this did not shorten our code all that much, since myvect is only 8 letters less. But still this is very useful when we write longer articles. Just think about a situation where we write a 20 page article using \overrightarrow to denote vectors, but then we change our mind and want to use \underline instead. Now we can use the replace all functionality (present in most text editors), but what if we used \overrightarrow somewhere else that's not a vector? It's all a mess now. Now imagine the same situation if we defined a new command for our vectors and used it throughout the document. All we have to change in this case is the definition of our vector command. This is the true value of using our own commands.

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