
A MathWikiből
A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Gaebor (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2018. szeptember 3., 13:01-kor történt szerkesztése után volt.
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Start screen

  • Ctrl-Alt-F5 Linux terminal (leibniz)
  • Ctrl-Alt-F6 Windows (wronski)
  • Ctrl-Alt-F7 Linux graphical (leibniz)
  • Ctrl-Alt-Backspace RESET


  • Choose a strong password
    • lowercase, uppercase, number at least one of each
    • at least 8 characters
    • don't include your own name, nickname, login name
    • try not to use accents or 0 (zero)
  • how to change your password:
    • Linux: yppasswd (in terminal)
    • Windows: Ctrl-Alt-Del


  • Linux: 200MB
    • quota (in terminal)
  • Windows
    • size of H drive (from total commander or explorer)


  • You can reach your emails on
  • You can forward your emails to another email address:
    • After you log in, click on the gears (upper right): Beállítások -> Vakáció -> Haladó beállítások
    • Put your email address in the További címeim field, then change the Beérkező üzenet akció drop down menu from Megtartás to Átirányítás ide
  • When you write to others from the university, we would like you to use your email address.
  • There is a way to write emails from your address through gmail.
    • In gmail click on the gears (upper right) -> Settings -> Accounts and import -> Add another email address
    • In the popup window write your address then click on Next Step and write your password (the one used on linux) into the password field, finally click on Add Account.
    • From now on whenever you write an email there will be a drop down menu From so you can choose which email address to send the email from.
  • You can write an email from the terminal as well:
    • On Leibniz:
$ mail -s "subject" ""
Dear Someone,

This is a mail!

$ _

To stop writing the mail you need to press Ctrl+D.

If you are using other mailing software, you may find these useful:

  • imap-ssl: :995 SSL/TLS linux password
  • submission: :587 STARTTLS linus password


  • Windows [1]
  • Office [2]
  • Mathematica [3] (we will give out keys for everyone)

Network connection

  • You can't just plug in a network cable into your laptop, it will not connect you to our network.
  • Wifi

Linux basics

File structure

  • Properties:
    • Tree stucture
    • / : root folder. The start of the file structure.
    • folders:
      • general
      • special (e.g. /dev/cdrom)
      • catalogue
  • Some catalogues
    • /home/: User folders.
    • /boot/ : Files needed to boot up.
    • /tmp/ : Temporary files.
    • /dev/ : Devices (HDD, mouse, etc.)
    • /mnt/ : Mount points (e.g. pendrive)
    • ./ : Current folder.
    • ../ : Parent of the current folder.
    • ~/ : The home folder of the user, same as the $HOME environmental variable.
    • Everyone has a home folder at /home/student/felhasznaloi_nev. In this home folder a folder named public_html contains their homepage.
    • ~/.* contains user settings e.g. .bashrc, .config/, .forward

General programs

  • terminal: Applications menu -> System Tools -> Konsole
  • Midnight Commander mc
  • top
  • editors:
  • list of programs: help
  • help yourself:
    • info <command>
    • man <command>
    • <command> --help


  • Clipboard
    • select something with your mouse, right click
    • Ctrl+Insert, Shift+Insert
    • varies by applications (usually Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V)
  • navigation
    • TAB: completion
    • HOME: beginning of line, END: end of line
  • terminal
    • up, down arrows: history
    • Ctrl+R search the history

Reaching the Leibniz server from home

  • From a file editor:
    • File -> Connect to server...
    • Service type: FTP (with login), or SFTP
    • Server:
    • Port: 80
    • Folder: (empty)
    • User name: your username
  • From a terminal:
    • ssh, where the username is your username, with this you can run commands on leibniz
    • scp ./ with this you copy the file prac1.txt from leibniz to your current folder
    • scp ./gyak1.txt with this you copy the file prac1.txt from your computer to leibniz

Windows basics

The Windows file structure

  • Drives are everything:
    • C:\ System
    • D:\
    • E:\ ...
    • There are network drives, these start with double reps: \\wronski
  • current and parent folder : . és ..
  • programs: C:\Program Files, C:\Program Files (x86), rarely needed to reach directly
  • system: C:\Windows\System32
  • home folder: H:, Z:\Homes\<username>

General programs

  • Notepad++ (free software)
  • Task manager
  • Explorer
  • Total Commander (free software)


  • Clipboard
    • select something with the mouse, right click -> copy, cut, paste
    • Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Y
    • Ctrl+Insert, Shift+Insert
    • varies by applications
  • Moving the windows
    • Win+arrows
    • Alt+Tab
    • Win, Win+D, Win+S
    • Alt + character (menu)
    • Tab: switches between buttons and fields in programs
  • moving the cursor
    • Shift + arrows: select
    • Ctrl + arrows, jumps words (Ctrl+Shift + arrows)
    • HOME: beginning of line, END: end of line

Reaching Leibniz from a windows machine

Emulating linux on a windows machine

There are many ways to emulate a linux on your windows machine

  • Live operating system, with this you can try linux without having to install anything. You have to boot from a live CD or a USB, for this you have to change your boot priority.
  • Virtual machine, running a linux through a windows in parallel
  • Emulating just the function of the linux terminal

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