
A MathWikiből



Open a new project for each exercise or a new file if you're in the command line.

From this point onward use .cpp file extensions!

Complex class from the lecture

Execute the code from the lecture:

using namespace std;
class Complex {
  float re;
  float im;
  Complex(const Complex& other);
  Complex(float r);
  Complex(float r, float i);
  Complex add(Complex other);
  Complex times(Complex other);
  float abs();
  void print();
Complex::Complex() {
  re = 0;
  im = 0;
Complex::Complex(const Complex& other) {
  re =;
  im =;
Complex::Complex(float r) {
  re = r;
  im = 0;
Complex::Complex(float r, float i) {
  re = r;
  im = i;
Complex Complex::add(Complex other) {
  return Complex(this->re +, this->im +;
Complex Complex::times(Complex other) {
  float real = this->re * - this->im *;
  float imag = this->re * + this->im *;
  return Complex(real, imag);
float Complex::abs() {
  return sqrt(this->re * this->re + this->im * this->im);
void Complex::print() {
  cout << re << " + " << im << "i" << endl;
Complex::~Complex() {
int main(void) {
  Complex a;
  Complex b = Complex(1,2);
  Complex c = a.times(b);
  cout << b.abs() << endl;
  return 0;


Write a Rectangle class!

  • Constructed with the length of its 2 edges.
  • Methods to get its area and perimeter.
  • It should have a scale method that can scale the rectangle (both edge lengths are multiplied by the given number).
  • It should be copyable, like so:
Rectangle a(2, 5);
Rectangle b(a);

Back to the Complex

Let's check back on the Complex class. Feed its code to pythontutor and check when each method/constructor is called.

String class

Write a String class that will ease our use of C strings.

  • The default constructor should create an empty string.
  • We should be able to construct it from a C string. The constructor should look like this:
String(const char* s);
  • We should be able to retrieve its length.
  • Make a print method that prints the string using cout.
  • Make a method that concatenates two Strings.

Linked list

Implement the previously used linked list with classes. The list should store floats and have the following features:

  • default constructor: empty list
  • copy constructor
  • constructor that builds the list from an array
  • destructor
  • append: new element at the end
  • insert: new element at the given index
  • size: returns the number of elements stored
  • in: true/false whether the given value is stored in the list or not
  • index: retrieves the element at the given index
  • remove: removes an element at the given index
  • where: returns the first index where the given value can be found, returns -1 if the value isn't in the list